Because our program is intended to relieve people from the burden of debt, this program is strictly equity based and we do not allow debt in our partnerships at any time.

Additionally, we do not license our program to any investor who borrows money with interest (riba), even if the borrowed money is a personal debt or is secured by other assets owned by the investor.

Sign up to be an Investor Partner
Sign up
to be a Realtor Partner
Sign up to be a Service Partner
Sign up to become a Lead Buyer

Our Commitment                        
 fair & equitable treatment

In accordance with Shariah, we are committed to fairness in dealing with the Lead Buyer and kindness and courtesy to the renter, be it the Lead Buyer or someone else - both, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.
Not only is this the proper Islamic manner, but it is good business practice as well.
All licensees of our model must be equally committed to the kind and equitable treatment of all parties in order to use our program.

Halal Inc. invests in real estate by funding small investors (Lead Buyers) who seek to own property without incurring debt. Our patent-pending model helps small investors, while providing our shareholders with superior returns.

Because most Lead Buyers wish to live in the home being purchased, our model not only gains returns from real estate rental but also benefits from immediate occupancy and good property upkeep since the tenant has a stake in the property. 

While we do not solicit investors, we welcome inquiries by institutional and accredited investors.

For more in depth information on our program and its benefits, please contact us.

Independent investors, who would like to directly manage their investment, are now able to license the Halal Inc Model as a turnkey solution. We have gathered all our resources and combined them into one convenient license to provide you with a hassle-free real estate investment program that you own and direct. To see a sampling of Lead Buyers awaiting co-investors click here.

For a low one-time license fee per partnership contract you will receive:

  • Our Unique Patent-pending Model
  • Our Web-based IT Infrastructure
  • All Administrative Processes
  • All Associated Legal Paperwork
  • Automatic Record Maintenance
  • Specially-trained Realtor Referral
  • Lead Buyer Matching in Your Local Area

Apply to become an Independent Investor.

All license fees are paid one-time only PER CONTRACT - NOT per year.

Fee schedule is shown below: 

  License Fee
per contract
Number of Contracts Total Capital Invested
Small Investor $150 per $100,000
Maximum 3 Maximum $500,000
Professional Investor $250 per $100,000
Unlimited Unlimited
"Make it Right" Offer FREE Unlimited Unlimited


If you are interested in learning more about our Independent Investor Program, please contact us.