So how can you tell if a home financing program is Shariah based or if it is riba based? Here are a list of questions to ask home finance programs to help you get the answers you need.
Our patent-pending Home Partnership Program provides a true debt-free, riba-free solution for sharia home financing.
Find out what constitutes Riba and the difference between a truly Shariah compliant program and one that only appears to be.
Check with ANY scholar for 100% peace of mind. We believe that a true Shariah compliant Islamic financing solution is not about one scholar, or even a few scholars, making allowances based on technicalities or exceptions. A real Islamic financing solution is one that withstands the scrutiny of ANY scholar and conforms to the letter, essence and spirit of Islamic Law.
The scholars on our team of advisors are known worldwide and their credentials, and experience, speak volumes in Islamic financing Jurisprudence (shariah financing) and its application to the current business field. However, we welcome the scrutiny of ANY scholar, anywhere. Please feel free to present our program to any scholar for review. If there is anything in our program that any scholar finds dishonest, or not 100% conforming to Shariah, we will fix it and owe you our gratitude for letting us know.
Islamic financing companies with solutions that involve mortgage paperwork, or other loan based solutions now have a way to make it right. We all make mistakes and good intentions are what counts. But, good intentions should compel anyone to rectify errors and fix unintended mistakes. In order to give your customers a true debt-free, shariah financing solution, we offer you a FREE license for our Independent Investor Program. Click here to learn more.