One of the most confusing issues for most people when they look at home financing programs, is trying to determine if the program is structured according to Shariah, or if it only appears to be so.
With an increasing number of programs that claim to be in accordance with Shariah it can be difficult to determine which ones are legitimate and which ones are traditional mortgages that have been reworked...
A Murabaha sale is when someone owns (or buys) something then resells it for a higher price and may accept to collect the payment in installments. To some, a Murabaha program with installment payments may appear to have the qualities of a loan because in many ways it is similar to a loan from the seller to the buyer. However, there are differences and the following requirements must be met in order for the transaction to be a true sale, not a loan that pretends to be a sale. more ►
Because rental is a feasible housing option for those who cannot afford to buy, there is no legitimate reason to purchase a home with an interest-based loan. Invoking an exception because of “darura” (necessity) is a serious matter and should only occur under similar circumstances to those that would force someone to eat pork from fear of starvation. more ►